8 photos
This archive contains tomographic scans (as well as various types of associated digital data) of fossils from the site of Kromdraai B, South Africa that are curated at the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History. These scans have been produced through a collaborative research and education initiative between the Department of Human Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany) and the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (Pretoria, South Africa). They were formally published in Skinner MM, Kivell T, Potze S, Hublin J-J (2013) Microtomographic archive of fossil hominin specimens from Kromdraai B, South Africa, Journal of Human Evolution, 64(5): 319-472 and we encourage users to refer to this article for more information about the fossils and scans.
The copyright holder for all digital data (and derivates, such as surface models) associated with this archive is the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (DNMNH).
Terms of use
Step 1:Researchers interested in accessing the CT scans should fill out a Digital Data User Agreement Form and email it to curator of the DNMNH (Lazarus Kgasi, lkgasi@ditsong.org.za) with a description of their project proposal and specific specimens and CT data that they wish to use for their project. This process allows the curator to document what projects are being conducted on which CT data, and avoids overlap in specific research goals across current projects. If you do not hear back from Lazarus Kgasi in two weeks please email origins_datarequest@eva.mpg.de.
Step 2:Upon acceptance of the proposed research project, the curator will issue the encryption password for the requested CT image stack. Encryption passwords are granted to specific researchers and should not be disseminated to third parties under any circumstances. If you have any questions regarding use of any digital data associated with this archive please contact the curator of the DNMNH. All ImageStack files are 'rar' compressed. Please use a archiving utility that can unpack the rar archive format, e.g. WinRAR, 7-Zip.
Step 3:Inclusion of data in a scientific publication based on the CT scans (and derivative objects such as surface models, images, etc.,) available in this repository requires citation of the following article:
Skinner MM, Kivell T, Potze S, Hublin J-J (2013) Microtomographic archive of fossil hominin specimens from Kromdraai B, South Africa, Journal of Human Evolution, 64(5): 319-472

KB3133 P. robustus left cuboid
8 photos
KB3297 Haplorhini right calcaneus
8 photos
KB5063 P. robustus URM1
8 photos
KB5163 P. robustus LRC
8 photos
KB5222 P. robustus ULM3
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLDC
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLDM1
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLDM2
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLI1
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLI2
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LLM1
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LRDM2
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LRI1
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LRI2
8 photos
KB5223 P. robustus LRM1
8 photos
KB5226 P. robustus LRM3
8 photos
KB5383 P. robustus URM1
8 photos
KB5389 P. robustus ULI1
8 photos
KB5503 P. robustus LRDM2
8 photos
TM1517a P. robustus cranium
8 photos
TM1517a P. robustus left maxilla
8 photos
TM1517a P. robustus left temporal
8 photos
TM1517b P. robustus partial mandible
8 photos
TM1517c P. robustus LLP3
8 photos
TM1517c P. robustus LLP4
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TM1517c P. robustus URM2
8 photos
TM1517c P. robustus URM3
8 photos
TM1517c P. robustus URP3
8 photos
TM1517d P. robustus right talus
8 photos
TM1517e P. robustus right ulna
8 photos
TM1517k P. robustus distal phalanx
8 photos
TM1536 P. robustus partial mandible
5 photos
TM1600 P. robustus LLM2 LLM3
8 photos
TM1600 P. robustus LLP3
8 photos
TM1601a P. robustus LRDM1
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TM1601b P. robustus LLP3
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TM1601c P. robustus LLC
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TM1601d P. robustus LLP4
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TM1601e P. robustus ULM1
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TM1601f P. robustus LRDC
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TM1603 P. robustus ULM3
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TM1605 P. robustus left os coxae
7 photos
TM3601 Felidae right femur
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