The Human Fossil Record:
A Digital Resource for Research and Education

Specimens in this collection are curated by Espace muséal d’Andenne (Belgium), which includes the Scladina Cave Archaeological Centre in charge of the permanent excavation programme of the site. Researchers interested in accessing the CT scans should fill out a digital data agreement form and e-mail it to (with in CC). Applications to study the original fossil remains and/or queries about these specimens should be directed to Grégory Abrams, Curator and Head of the Scientific Department ( ).

Terms of use: the copyright for all digital representations of fossils is held by the Espace muséal d’Andenne and they are provided here under a Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Credit for use of these digital representations should be as follows: Image courtesy of the Espace muséal d’Andenne and

Information and descriptions of the Child of Scladina Cave can be found in the following publication:

Toussaint and Bonjean, eds (2014). The Scladina I-4A Juvenile Neandertal (Andenne, Belgium). Palaeoanthropology and Context. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l'Université de Liège 2014 Vol. 134. ISBN 978-2-930495-20-0