The Human Fossil Record:
A Digital Resource for Research and Education

This material is curated at the McGregor Museum, South Africa and researchers should follow the procedures of this institution for conducting scientific research on their collections. The images below are derived from CT scans publicly available under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license from ESRF heritage database for palaeontology, evolutionary biology and archaeology (but see for additional terms of use). Any use of the images below must be in accordance with the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license, including crediting the curatorial institution and

The specimens in this collection are associated with the following publication:

Smith T. M., Olejniczak A. J., Tafforeau P., Reid D. J., Grine F. E. & Hublin J.-J., 2006. Molar crown thickness, volume, and development in South African Middle Stone Age humans. South African Journal of Science 102: 513-517.